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████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

Sea otters, however,
can stay underwater for

up to 1 0 minutes and that's ample time
to find the shellfish they need

Many of the smaller creatures that live
in these forests, such as urchins,

graze on the kelp and can seriously damage
it if their numbers are unchecked

The sea otters, however,
feed on some of these grazers

and prevent them getting
too numerous

So, in effect, the Sea Otters
are the guardians of the forest

Garibaldi fish do not,
in fact, damage the kelp

lf anything, they help it
by picking off tiny animals

that in places encrust the leaves

They graze on bryozoans,
tiny colonial animals,

which build their colonies like
a patchwork of white skins on the leaves

When night falls there are fewer
predatory fish around

and the bryozoans emerge from
their white shelters

Now, just like coral polyps
they start filtering out

the plankton under cover of darkness

They are not the only animals
to venture out at this time

This is an amphipod, just two
centimetres long and it does eat kelp

ln turn, it is excellent food
for many predators

To protect itself it produces silk,
just like a spider,

and uses it to sew together two sides
of a kelp frond and so form a shelter

This one is in particular need of
a secure home. She's a mother

There are over fifty youngsters
clustered on her abdomen,

so her home is becoming
somewhat cramped

They will soon be old enough to leave
and now whenever she can,

she kicks them out to get a taste
of the outside world


Beds of eel grass grow in the shallows
between the kelp forest and the shore

A harbour seal has found
sanctuary here,

and is sleeping after
a hard night's foraging

But not for long

A male seal gives a wake up call

More seals are attracted
from all directions

lt's June, the time when
young male harbour seals

start their strange mating displays

One listens attentively to the
grunting noises made by the other

These calls are almost certainly
a way of establishing

which of the two will be dominant

But if the animals are closely
matched in size and experience

- grunts won't settle the issue,
the rivals will have to come to blows

And seals can be surprisingly violent

ln a month's time the breeding
season will start


spider [ˈspaɪdə(r)] n. 蜘蛛;设圈套者;三脚架 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5555}

coral [ˈkɒrəl] n. 珊瑚;珊瑚虫 adj. 珊瑚的;珊瑚色的 n. (Coral)人名;(英、法、西、葡)科拉尔 {gk toefl :5793}

sanctuary [ˈsæŋktʃuəri] n. 避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿 {toefl :5985}

ample [ˈæmpl] adj. 丰富的;足够的;宽敞的 n. (Ample)人名;(西)安普尔 {gk cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :6289}

sew [səʊ] vt. 缝合,缝上;缝纫 vi. 缝纫,缝 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :6446}

graze [greɪz] n. 放牧;轻擦 vi. 吃草;擦伤 vt. 放牧;擦伤 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :7059}

centimetres [ˈsentiˌmi:təz] n. 厘米( centimetre的名词复数 ) { :8893}

underwater [ˌʌndəˈwɔ:tə(r)] n. 水下 adj. 在水中的;水面下的 adv. 在水下 {toefl :9111}

cramped [kræmpt] v. 用夹钳夹;约束(cramp的过去分词) adj. 狭窄的;难懂的;难辨的 {toefl :9151}

grunting ['grʌntɪŋ] adj. 咕哝的,呼噜的 v. (猪等)作呼噜声( grunt的现在分词 ); (指人)发出类似的哼声; 咕哝着说 { :9288}

grunts [ɡrʌnts] v. (猪等)作呼噜声( grunt的第三人称单数 ); (指人)发出类似的哼声; 咕哝着说; 石鲈 { :9288}

abdomen [ˈæbdəmən] n. 腹部;下腹;腹腔 {ky :9711}

eel [i:l] n. 鳗鱼;鳝鱼 { :10634}

predatory [ˈpredətri] adj. 掠夺的,掠夺成性的;食肉的;捕食生物的 {toefl :11039}

foraging ['fɒrɪdʒɪŋ] n. 觅食(forage的ing形式);觅食力 { :11147}

otters [ˈɔtəz] n. (水)獭( otter的名词复数 ); 獭皮 { :11888}

patchwork [ˈpætʃwɜ:k] n. 拼缝物,拼缀物;混杂物 { :12752}

shellfish [ˈʃelfɪʃ] n. 甲壳类动物;贝类等有壳的水生动物 {toefl :13065}

polyps [ˈpɔlips] n. 珊瑚虫(水螅型),息肉( polyp的名词复数 ) { :13529}

unchecked [ˌʌnˈtʃekt] adj. 未经核对的;未加抑制的 { :13949}

urchins [ˈɜ:tʃɪnz] n. 顽童( urchin的名词复数 ); 淘气鬼; <主英><动>猬; <动>海胆 { :15461}

frond [frɒnd] n. (蕨类等的)叶,复叶;叶状体 {gre :15768}

attentively [ə'tentɪvlɪ] adv. 注意地;聚精会神地;周到地 {gk :18857}

plankton [ˈplæŋktən] n. 浮游生物(总称) {ielts gre :19300}

encrust [ɪn'krʌst] vt. 包上外壳;装饰外层 vi. 结壳 { :19368}

kelp [kelp] n. [植] 巨藻,海藻;海草灰 vi. 烧制海草灰 n. (Kelp)人名;(罗)凯尔普 {ielts :21356}

ln [ ] abbr. 自然对数(Napierian Logarithm);液态氮(Liquid Nitrogen) { :28828}

LF [ ] [计] 换行, 低频 [医] 絮凝单位, 絮凝限度 { :30107}

bryozoans [braɪəʊ'zəʊnz] 苔藓虫类 { :38687}

garibaldi [.gæri'bɒ:ldi] n. 加里波第宽大衬衫, 莆萄干饼干, 小雀鲷 { :39119}

grazers ['greizə] n. 吃草的动物, 食草动物 { :44053}

amphipod [æm'faɪpəd] n. 片脚类动物

a spider [ ] [网络] 蜘蛛;一蜘蛛图片;蜘蛛英文名字叫

colonial animal [ ] =compound animal

coral polyp [ ] na. 珊瑚虫 [网络] 珊烘;珊瑚螅虫

eel grass [ ] 苦草

filter out [ˈfiltə aut] un. 〔物〕滤光;滤出;慢慢传出;听不进去 [网络] 过滤;滤除;过滤掉

graze on [ɡreiz ɔn] [网络] 吃

harbour seal [ ] na. 【动】斑海豹 (Phoca vitulina) [网络] 港海豹

harbour seals [ ] [网络] 海豹

kelp forest [ ] [网络] 海草林;海藻林;海藻森林

predatory fish [ ] [网络] 掠食性鱼类;捕食性鱼类;食鱼性鱼

sea otter [si: ˈɔtə] na. 【动】海獭 [网络] 海濑;水獭;海獭等栖息

sew together [səu təˈɡeðə] 缝接

the shore [ ] [网络] 海岸;海滩;海岸图片

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用